Shen Wang

[me] Research Engineer,
School of Computing and Information Systems,
Singapore Management University (SMU)


I am currently a Research Engineer at the School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University (SMU), working closely with Professor Yue Duan.

Prior to that, I received the Bachelor of Engineering degree (2020-2024) in Information Security from Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU).


  1. Disassembling Obfuscated Executables with LLM
    Huanyao Rong, Yue Duan, Hang Zhang, XiaoFeng Wang, Hongbo Chen, Shengchen Duan, and Shen Wang
    arXiv preprint'24
    [ paper ]
  2. An LLM-Assisted Easy-to-Trigger Backdoor Attack on Code Completion Models: Injecting Disguised Vulnerabilities against Strong Detection
    Shenao Yan, Shen Wang, Yue Duan, Hanbin Hong, Kiho Lee, Doowon Kim, and Yuan Hong
    Sec'24: In 33rd USENIX Security Symposium
    Philadelphia, USA, Aug 2024
    [ paper ] [ slides ] [ code ] [ presentation ] [ news ]
  3. A Novel Personnel Counting Method Based on WiFi Perception
    Shen Wang, Yijie Xun, Jie Zhao, and Yuanyuan Sun
    HPSR'22: In International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
    Suzhou, China, Jun 2022
    [ paper ]


  1. Singapore Management University Aug 2024 - Present
    Position: Research Engineer
    Topic: Multi-Target Scheduling in Directed Fuzzing
    Advisor: Prof. Yue Duan
  2. Singapore Management University Sept 2023 - May 2024
    Position: Visiting Research Student
    Topic: LLM-assisted Poisoning Attack on Code Completion Models
    Advisor: Prof. Yue Duan and Prof. Yuan Hong