Part 1

Topic 1: Work

1. Where do you work?

Currently I'm working fulltime as a research engineer at Singapore Management University. I've been working there for three months.

2. Do you think this is a good place to work?

Yes, I think SMU is really a good place to work. For salary, I can get 2k Singapore dollars every month. It's totally enough for a single man like me. And every staff will be equipped with a new laptop or desktop. Plus, there are great benefits.

3. What are your work plans for the future?

I have no work plans for the future. To be honest, it is my gap year currently. My job contract will end in April next year. After that, I hope I can get back to university to pursue the master degree or Ph.D. degree in the field of computer science.

4. What do you enjoy most about your work?

Oh, so many things. I am a research engineer, so I would say that the best part is doing research on cutting-edge technologies. This allows me to contribute to significant projects that have a real impact in my field.

5. Would you prefer to work from home or to go out to work?

That's a popular question these days, right? I prefer to work from home. That means no stress about being late, and I can focus on my work with fewer distractions.

6. Is there a job that you would like to do in the future?

That's a tough question. If I could choose, I would like to be a researcher at a major tech company. This would give me the opportunity to work on large-scale projects and collaborate with experts in the field. I believe being part of a big organization could significantly enhance my research capabilities and allow me to make a greater impact.

Topic 2: Home (The area you live in)

1. Where are you living at the moment? (Please describe the place where you live.)

I'm living in an apartment in the Novena area. It is located within the central region of Singapore. So it's very easy to take transit downtown.

2. What's the best thing about the place where you live now?

There is a shopping center named Zhongshan Mall close to my home. It's only a five-minute walk for me. I like eating there.

3. Have you met many of your neighbors?

Honestly, I've only met a few. I leave early for work and come back late, so it's hard to meet people because of my schedule.

4. Is the area where you live now a busy or a quiet place?

I would say it's a very busy place. There are so many malls and medical centers in the Novena area. Life there is incredibly convenient, with everything you need just a short walk away.

Topic 3: Bicycles

1. Did you ride a bike when you were a child?

Yes, I had a bike when I was young. I love riding around my neighborhood with my friends. Going down big hills was so exciting! I would lift my feet off the pedals and go fast.

2. Do you have a bicycle now?

No, I don't have a bike now. I would say Singapore is a good city for biking, but the weather here is too hot. I prefer to take the bus or MRT to work.

3. Are bicycles popular in…/your country?

Yes, biking is very popular in Singapore. There are lots of bike paths designed for bikers, both in the city center and outside the city. Many people bike in the parks on weekends, and some also bike to school or work.

4. Do you think bicycles will be more or less popular in the future?

I would say bikes will become popular. Traffic is getting worse, and it's hard to get anywhere on time during rush hour. But with a bike, you don't have to worry about traffic jams. It's a better way to travel, so more people will use bikes in the future.

Topic 4: Where you live now/Hometown

1. Do you live in a town, a city or the countryside?

I live in Singapore now. It is a beautiful city with lots of amazing attractions, and people are warm and friendly.

2. What do you like best about living in…/this place?

Oh, so many things. I love the parks and green spaces the best in Singapore. They are so beautiful and well-maintained. People can enjoy the outdoor time with their families.

3. Would you recommend living in…/ this place to other people?

Yes, I would. If someone is looking for a place to live, Singapore is a great choice. They can start a family or find a job. There are many opportunities and resources to help them. It's a good place for the future.

4. Is that a big city or a small place?

Singapore is a small city, but the facilities and services here are very advanced. It's a convenient place to live.

5. How long have you lived there?

I have lived in Singapore for two years. I moved here and started working after I graduated from university.

Topic 5: Coins

1. Do you like to have some coins with you when you go out?

No, I hardly ever have coins with me. You know, most places in Singapore take cards now. So I prefer to use my credit card or mobile payment apps like PayNow or Google Pay.

2. Did you use coins more often in the past?/When you were a child, did you ever save coins in a money box?

Yes, I did. I used coins a lot when I was a child. Back then, people mostly used cash. I would save the coins in a piggy bank and use them to buy candy or toys.

3. Do you think that collecting unusual coins is an interesting hobby to have?

Yes! Collecting rare coins is fun. Some coins are hard to find, so they might be very valuable. Also, these coins often have interesting connections to different cultures and histories. You can learn a lot from them.

Topic: 6: Laughing and things that are funny

1. Do you enjoy watching films/movies that are funny?

Yes! I think a movie that makes me laugh is a great form of entertainment. It can help me relax and forget my worries after a long day at work.

2. When was the last time something made you laugh?

Um... The last time I laughed really hard was when I watched a funny video that my friend farwarded to me. It was about screwing over passengers in a taxi. I couldn't stop laughing!

3. Are you good at making people laugh?

Yes, I think so. I can come up with many funny comments quickly. I make my friends laugh, and I enjoy that. It's fun to laugh with friends, and it feels even better to be the one who makes them laugh.

4. Do you think it's always good to make people laugh?

Yes! Laughter is the best medicine. It can help people relax and forget about stress. It's a great way to connect with others and make friends. So, I think it's always good to make people laugh.